Weekly Recap #9: "An artistic point of view & FOMO"
While booking clients this week, I've actually been going through a lot of my portfolio in order to show examples of potential locations...

Weekly update #8: "Coaching, Inspiration, & Progress?"
Let's begin this weeks post with soccer. I'm a coach now?! I officially received my little 4 & 5 year old girls team roster last week...

Weekly update #7: "Playing catch up & unexpected responsibility"
So as expected, the first week back after a long vacation was pretty hectic. Now I know, I must be cautious when making blanket...

Weekly Recap #6: "Voice Overs, Road Trips & Chester Bennington"
I'm sure to some, this weeks title is a bit interesting, so bare with me & it will all make sense... eventually 😊 Our last few days in...