Weekly Recap #23: "Hang in there kid"
Every year May, August, & December are probably the most jam packed months of the year for our family with May being the most insane. May...
Weekly Recap #22: "Just keep swimming"
The best way to describe the feelings I've been feeling the past month can basically be summed up in one word, drowning. My wife & I knew...
Weekly Recap #21: "Open & Closed Doors"
Simply put, the past month has been quite a ride. We have been playing with the idea of moving from San Diego to Colorado Springs for a...
Weekly Recap #19: "Don't try so hard"
I was always a huge fan of Jerry Lewis growing up, & one of my favorite films of his was "The Disorderly Orderly". One line from the...
Weekly Recap #18: "Differences"
It's 4 in the morning & I've been up for a few hours because I fell asleep "early". For me, falling asleep before midnight is rare & I...
Weekly update #8: "Coaching, Inspiration, & Progress?"
Let's begin this weeks post with soccer. I'm a coach now?! I officially received my little 4 & 5 year old girls team roster last week...