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Weekly Recap #23: "Hang in there kid"

Every year May, August, & December are probably the most jam packed months of the year for our family with May being the most insane. May typically being the end of the school year, August prepping for the beginning of each school year & most likely coming home from a summer vacation, & December being the end of the calendar year, Christmas & typically time for a winter vacation.

But lets talk more about May. In May every year there is Mother's Day, my wife's birthday on the 19th & our anniversary on the 24th. This year in particular it was my wife & I's 10th anniversary! For our tenth we had basically decided to do a simple anniversary trip in Colorado this summer, so that's still coming up, but what has made this year even more special is that we decided to move. As I've written about previously we are taking a bigger step & moving a little outside of San Diego to Murrieta, CA. And today on this last day of May 2018 I just picked up our keys to our brand new home. It's officially official & this next week we will be crazy busy packing & moving our family about an hour north from where we currently live in SD.

Throughout this process I have had to learn a lot about patience, but it's been amazing to see God's timing through every one of these seemingly random delays that has come up. Every single time something frustrating came up in our loan process with the VA or escrow I was able to look back afterward & see reasons why the delay actually ended up in our favor. In the end we are buying a beautiful brand new home & getting a great loan without having to put any money down because of the VA & we've been able to keep the house we sold occupied for the family that bought it. A little decision I made in high school to listen to my dad & join the Coast Guard has paid off big time over a decade later, & I'm very grateful for the opportunity to raise my kids in this home.

My mind has been exploding with ideas for the new house & I need to take "before" pictures now so I can show the after photos as we put our personal style into the home. Interior design is one of those random creative outlets that I absolutely love. For starters I'm going to paint our shutters black instead of green to give the house a little more of a neutral feel. It's a California Spanish style exterior which isn't necessarily my favorite style, but I think it will be fun incorporating a farm house style inside with a Spanish flair, I am a Coronado, so it is in my blood.

One of the most fun things as a father has been discussing some of my kid's ideas for their rooms, the backyard, & play areas. I see so much of myself & my wife in my daughter as she has been explaining all her ideas. You can see her just bursting with creativity, & I'm seeing a fun way to connect with her as she gets older. Definitely going to try & create a lot of creative space for each of us in this home & can't wait to update you guys as we bring these ideas to life. In spite of the busy schedule I was able to still get a dad interview in with my buddy Bronson Pate who was actually our wedding photographer 10 years ago. You can see that interview here:

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